Hi 👋 I’m Dan Corin.
I work as a software and AI engineer.
The jury is still out on what an AI engineer is, but for me it means I’m
- applying language models
- writing evals for model applications to ensure their reliability
- experimenting with novel UI/UX empowered by language models
- using language models daily to refine my understanding and perspective on how to use them effectively and productivity
- learning classical machine learning foundations and approaches
This site is a sort of digital garden 🌱 for experimentation and with a particular focus on UI/UX for language models.
I also maintain a written digital garden on my blog which I build with Hugo.
After writing my 2024 year in review, I realized I wanted another space with more of a personal touch and on focus ease of sharing prose, code and interactive elements.
Thus, Thought Eddies was born.